My life has been a constant flurry of activity these past few weeks. Only now am I able to sit down with no distractions and write about things going on in my life right now.
Work: I am amazing. Got some results back that put me at the top of my co-workers in the same category. Woo!!
Summer Plans: This will be the first summer in 3 years that I will not be in Pa.ris. I am bummed :( My college buddy and I are going to NY.C from June 11-15. Family reunion in Colo.rado from June 18-23. Annual summer trip to to visit my dad; sometime in July. Road trip to Hou.ston to see the girls I graduated the education program with; sometime in July.
Health: MRI last week gave the severity of my bul.ging disc, still within the treatable range for chiropractic care. Started anti-inflam.matories this week and am seeing some relief. Hopefully allowing those muscles around my spine time to relax will help with my healing. Not sure what I'm going to do if this doesn't work.
Family: It's almost been a month since my cousin died. Thinking about her makes me mad at the world for not making sense.
Counseling: I've so overloaded lately that my normal introspective nature has taken a holiday. I have not been thinking about or looking into things that I really should be. That being said, my homework for this last week was to identify a thought every day that fit into a list of beliefs I have (however untrue or unrealistic) and while I didn't come up with one every single day, the few that I did were loaded with history. One, involving my last relationship (using the term loosely), is something I have never talked about in depth with anyone. To say I felt anxious about discussing anything doing with intimacy would be an understatement. I'm not even sure if I took a breath the whole time. Even though I felt safe and trusted that I was going to be supported, it was a definite leap out of my comfort zone.
I have writer's block. My mind is thinking a million things but nothing complete enough to form sentences or even make sense. UGH. I hate processing through so much stuff.
1 week ago
Great job with the kids! What a feeling that must be (makes up for back pain,etc)
Congrats on your TREMENDOUS success :)
I am bummed for you too that you won't be in Paris - that's a tragedy!
Oh - and the writer's block seems to be going around. It's hit me pretty hard as of late.
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