Over the past 2 nights I have had VERY involved and intense dreams. The reason I bring this up is because I almost never have dreams that I remember, let alone two nights in a row. I'm lucky if I have one night a month where I have a vague recollection when I awake of dreaming about something. But these dreams were so vivid that I honestly had to go back in my mind and think about whether they actually happened or not.
Friday Night - My dream started off black and white. Random. I was in the apartment from "I Lo.ve Lu.cy" with my sister and we went downstairs to go swimming in the indoor pool. One end was extremely shallow, the other was SUPER deep. She and I were in there then all of a sudden I am playing with 2 black dogs that were the size of hummingbirds. Because they were so small we stayed in the shallow end and I sprayed them with water. Suddenly I was in the deep end and my sister was out of the pool just staring at me. I climbed out then was back in the hallway of the apartment building, panicking because I couldn't remember the apartment number that we came from (i.e. Lu.cy and Ricky's). I went up and down the hallway and landed on #12 as my final choice. Lucy was in the living room typing on a typewriter I used to have as a kid. It was one I got for my 7th birthday. Then somehow I ended up back in my college town, having to walk back to my current city. I chose to run because apparently I was fit enough to run over 100 miles and not be winded. I ran past 3 sleighs with reindeer, then ended up getting off track somehow. I was in the downtown area of a very shady city, following the train tracks and trying to get to the bottom of the hill. When I did I got back to a "nice" city but was lost. So I just started running again on the city streets, up a mountain where all of a sudden I was with a group of people and we were going up the mountain in a "spider position" (on feet and hands, belly up), dragging our butts on the ground. We got to the top of the mountain and there was this huge field of flowers and in front of me was the most beautiful canyon I have ever seen.
Saturday Night - My dream started off in a room that looked like a study. It had mahogany walls, bookshelves full of books and was dimly lit. In a chair sat an old woman who was my therapist. She told me it was my fault for what happened to me, that I was disgusting and dirty, as well as other things that upset "me", but I don't recall what they were. I left in tears and somehow found a new therapist online who reminded me of my massage therapist in real life. The only bad thing was that she worked in the town where I went to college and that is over 2 hrs away, so she suggested I take a helicopter to see her. I would schedule 2-3 hours with her at a time, but would drive straight from work, see her at 6 then drive back home around 9. I remember feeling so great when I was there, but still so traumatized by what had occured earlier. My main panic in this dream was not being able to schedule time to see her. I forgot an appointment that I had scheduled and freaked out. Then I received an e-mail from her bragging to her co-workers about a website one of my clients made about me.
For me to remember all of those details, not only from last night, but the night before has never happened to me. I have only ever had one dream before when I was a kid where I remembered specific details, but it was a recurring nightmare I had... so you tend to remember the bad stuff. I wonder what I'll dream about tonight.
1 week ago
clarification: she views the rare occasions that I DO dreams as positive experiences of emotional work...
ack - somehow my first comment didn't go through so that clarification is totally out of context and weird. I'll reiterate:
dreams are sooo bizarre. I am tempted to try to interpret them but I won't. I just want a hummingbird dog!!
I am also one of "those people" who very rarely even has a sense that I dreamed, let alone recalls details. What do you think it means that we don't dream? My therapist feels like it's a really good sign when I dream (even when they're disturbing) because it means that emotions are "surfacing" and that I'm "working through" stuff. Hmm...
oh my gosh--i also had the strangest dream about my therapist the other night! it was something like we were in a normal place doing something normal (i think it was photography) and her telling me to follow up monday to schedule and then she disappeared from the practice. it was odd, not even sure i can explain it!
thank you for all your amazing, supportive comments. :-) hope school is calming down for you!
Wow, those are really detailed dreams! Have you started any new meds lately? When I took wellbutrin I had really vivid dreams.
I also frequently have dreams where I've forgotten appointments, or I know I'll be late. I haven't dreamed about my therapist yet though.
And I don't think I've ever had a dream about "I Love Lucy!" That's kind of funny - do you watch it a lot?
For sure, share your dreams with your therapist! Great stuff to work with....
Not exactly on the level of missing that final exam, but surely some of the same stuff!
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