Finding Rest

Rest can come in different forms and serve different purposes. Physical rest is needed during times of illness and growth, as well as daily in order to recharge your mind and body. Emotional rest is needed for relief, processing and even safety. Constantly being emotionally charged is not healthy, just like constantly moving is eventually going to end up in you being forced to stop.

So how do you find spiritual rest? Have you ever thought that you need it?

Up until tonight, I never really thought about the fact that there is a place of rest in the hands of God. Not until God spoke this very thing through a dear friend at Cele.brate Recov.ery.

So many people struggle with waiting. Waiting for God to lay at their feet their greatest desires. Waiting for what you think you deserve. Waiting for the life you think you should be leading. Waiting for a sign that you are doing the right thing. Be patient. Wait and it will come. This amazing woman who spoke of this tonight at CR, is someone I can relate to in almost every aspect of my life. We share the same greatest desire. To be married, to have a family. Wanting that and not pushing to make that happen is hard. Seeing those around you finding their mates and settling into their happiness is harder. Waiting for God to give you what you want the most; hardest. Waiting to see if God's desires for you are the same as what you have in mind; terrifying.

But what happens if you let that go? Letting go gives you the rest you so desperately need because when you let that go and give it to God, it's no longer yours to wait for, to worry about. Letting go gives you the rest that will strengthen your mind and heart and let you grow closer to God. Letting go will make it all the more meaningful and powerful when you receive what God has in store for you.

Now if only letting go was easy.


Bernie said...
February 26, 2010 at 12:12 AM

Lily, you work so hard to be heal. I love how you are working your way from being a victim to a survivor....May God Bless You my young friend.......:-) Hugs

Just Be Real said...
February 26, 2010 at 2:53 AM

Lily what a powerful post! Oh yes, if only letting go was easy. But, what you state in that last paragraph is so true, so very true.

I am truly inspired by this post. Dear one, I pray that your heart will be soften as mine, in order for us to give all up to the Lord and let all go, and let His perfect plan be made in us.

Thank you for your realness Lily.

Blessings and much hugs!

Anonymous said...
February 26, 2010 at 7:26 AM

This is a great post....Letting go and trusting God is such a process.
I recently had a prayer answered after a year of waiting. He delivered me. It is awesome. I love Him so much for delivering me, but He was teaching me humility and trust during that year. It was not easy, but as I look back, God was with me every step and I grew alot spiritually.

Thanks for sharing sweetie,


A Mother Always said...
February 26, 2010 at 10:53 AM

I am still searching for peace and continue to pray for it.
This is a lovely sharing Lily..
Thank you.


Catherine said...
February 26, 2010 at 12:33 PM


I don't know if I have ever gotten to the point where I can "let go" emotionally. That is something I am working towards. I'm glad to know that you are too.

Love, Catherine

Unknown said...
February 27, 2010 at 12:03 PM

Amazing post Lily. I know that I struggle immensely with being patient. You are growing my sweet friend.

A Mother Always said...
February 28, 2010 at 12:00 AM

I have an award to pass to you Lily.


Nikki (Sarah) said...
February 28, 2010 at 12:30 PM

I was so afraid to let go for a long time. Afraid if I did I would be overwhelmed and couldn't hold any ground at all. But you know what? letting go actually brought relief and freedom. Praying for you. Stay strong. Sarah

Clueless said...
March 1, 2010 at 8:57 PM

Letting go isn't easy, but neither is picking it up again or taking it back...been there, done that...too many times, but each time, I let Him keep more. :-)